The Little Sailor VS. Zoo Songs – The Best Songs! – Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


Little Sailor Dance
Careful with the Bomb – Cheetah
I Put my Foot Into a Can
Little Duck Lulú
The Game Has Already Started
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
I Look Into The Mirror
The Wheels On The Bus
The Shadow
Party at the Lagoon
What A Merengue
A Hand Went Out for a Walk
The Crocodile & Hippopotamus Song
Stone – Paper or Sissors
I Have A Tic
A Boat arrived from La Habana
Can You Guess Who?
Lola the Whale Dances
Guitar Ra Ra Ra
The Little Crab is Always Behind
The Animal’s Dance

The Little Sailor VS. Zoo Songs – The Best Songs! – Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

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