Buttons Song | Helpful Habits for Kids | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes by Toddler Zoo

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What will happen if you press the button? Watch the video and join Kitty, Koala and Rhino in their discoveries!

some are triangles
Buttons, buttons, buttons
Buttons are everywhere
Some are rectangles
and some are squares

Button on the remote
Button, button
On the remote
Turns the aircon on
Turns the aircon off
On on on on on
Off off off
So many buttons
All around us

some are triangles
Buttons, buttons, buttons
Buttons are everywhere
Some are rectangles
and some are squares

vacuum button switch
Button switch
vacuum button switch
Turns the vacuum on
Turns the vacuum off
Button switch
On on on on on
Off off off
So many buttons
All around us

some are triangles
Buttons, buttons, buttons
Buttons are everywhere
Some are rectangles
and some are squares

Button on the blender
Button, button
On the blender
Turns the blender on
Turns the blender off
On on on on on
Off off off
So many buttons
All around us

some are triangles
Buttons, buttons, buttons
Buttons are everywhere
Some are rectangles
and some are squares

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