Vlad and Nikita are celebrating a costume party as PJ Masks Funny drawing meme
Vlad and Nikita are celebrating a costume party as PJ Masks Funny drawing meme Thank you !
Vlad and Nikita are celebrating a costume party as PJ Masks Funny drawing meme Thank you !
Enjoy healthy and yummy fruit ice cream and learn numbers with ten little fruits! Lyrics: There were ten in the fridge And the little one said Roll over roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out Banana! There were nine in the fridge And the little one said Roll over roll over…
Hi kids! Our music here
Music from TheSoul Sound
Spotify, Deezer, YouTube Music
Apple Music
/ baby-fun-learning
Hi kids! Do you like pajama parties? A Kitten, a Koala, a Hedgehog and a Rhinoceros don’t miss the chance to have a pajama party! Join them! Our music here
Music from TheSoul Sound
Spotify, Deezer, YouTube Music
Apple Music
/ baby-fun-learning
Our music here
Music from TheSoul Sound
Spotify, Deezer, YouTube Music
Apple Music
/ baby-fun-learning
Enjoy healthy and yummy fruit ice cream and learn numbers with ten little fruits! Lyrics: There were ten in the fridge And the little one said Roll over roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out Banana! There were nine in the fridge And the little one said Roll over roll over…
Kids end up in the hospital and learn about the dangers of eating too many sweets. This educational video is perfect for teaching kids about healthy eating habits and the negative effects of consuming too many sweets.
Why do we have to say sorry when we hurt someone? Sometimes we make mistakes. And that’s when we should say this. I’m sorry. Lyrics
: La-la-la-la-la-la Loving is caring Wow ! La-la-la-la-la-la Caring is loving Oh, I’ll be Oh, I’ll be a little doctor who takes good care of patients Uh? Then…
Nastya shows how to behave well at school and the importance of respecting teachers MY NEW CHANNEL –
Nastya was thrilled when her best friend Maggie invited her for her first sleepover. Nastya’s parents had instilled in her a strong sense of hygiene, and she was determined to maintain cleanliness and use of natural products even during the sleepover. Pajama party for kids.