Fizzy Tablets – There She Blows! | +60 Minutes of Antiks by Oddbods | Kids Cartoons | Party Playtime

Joey and Boo stumble across a tube of fizzy tablets. SUBSCRIBE now for daily cartoons ► Welcome to Moonbug Kids – Party Playtime, your source for the best Moonbug kids cartoons, nursery rhymes and educational videos. Discover weekly episodes from your favourite cartoons, such as Blippi, Gecko’s Garage, ARPO the Robot, Morphle, Blippi Wonders, and…

Chinese New Year Music for Kids – 60 min Playtime Music

This is non-stop Chinese New Year Lunar New Year music for children! I use this in my classroom for my students! Great for playtime-center time-recess-gym-circle time-dancing-art-relaxing tag list: kids songs,chinese new year,lunar new year,songs for kids,nursery rhymes,for kids,chinese music,happy music for kids,playtime music,playtime music for kids,playtime songs for toddlers,baby music for playtime,play time happy instrumental…

Cave Dwellers! | +60 Minutes of Antiks by Oddbods | Kids Cartoons | Party Playtime!

Joey and Boo discover that appearances can be deceptive. SUBSCRIBE now for daily cartoons ► Welcome to Moonbug Kids – Party Playtime, your source for the best Moonbug kids cartoons, nursery rhymes and educational videos. Discover weekly episodes from your favourite cartoons, such as Blippi, Gecko’s Garage, ARPO the Robot, Morphle, Blippi Wonders, and more!…

Stuck in Jelly! | +60 Minutes of Antiks by Oddbods | Kids Cartoons | Party Playtime!

Joey and Boo discover that on the odd occasion food can fight back. SUBSCRIBE now for daily cartoons ► Welcome to Moonbug Kids – Party Playtime, your source for the best Moonbug kids cartoons, nursery rhymes and educational videos. Discover weekly episodes from your favourite cartoons, such as Blippi, Gecko’s Garage, ARPO the Robot, Morphle,…