Subscribe to D Billions Kids Songs Official YouTube channel:
0:00 Modeling Clay Toy Story
2:29 Trrr-Ra-Ta-Ta (Brush Your Teeth) with Mini DB
4:31 Yummy Fruits & Vegetables with new Heroes
6:46 1 2 3 Balloons with DB Heroes!
8:52 1 Potty, 2 Bibs, 3 Nappies & 4 Dummies
10:55 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Challenge with DB Heroes
14:13 Ambulance, Firetruck, Yellow Bus, Garbage Truck Puzzle
16:33 Who Will Eat the Pizza
19:17 Sleepy Time with Cha-Cha, Chicky, Lya-Lya & Boom-Boom
22:50 How to Wake Sleepy Boom-Boom Up?
25:11 Rascal & Baba Yaga’s Spell
27:46 Yummy Merry Christmas!
29:45 Animals with Numbers from 1 to 9 with Mini DB
31:55 Do Sports & Be Healthy with Choko!
34:23 Do Your Best!
55:08 Chicken Band
57:32 My name is Snail (Worm, Ant & Frog)
1:00:05 Bragging Bull