Doctor Check-Up for Babies! | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs | Sing Along for Toddlers 🎵


I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

Ready for the doctor?
I guess…
Ready for your checkup?
Hmm… yes.
Ready to be brave?
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

Let’s meet your doctor!
I can do it!

I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

Toni: Can I check your heart?
I guess…
Toni: Can you take a deep breath?
… yes.
Can you hear your heartbeat?
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

Let’s check your reflexes
I can do it!
Toni: Let’s check your ears
I can do it!
Toni: Now say ahh!
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

Ready for your shot?
I guess…
Mom: Ready to be brave?
Hmm… yes.
Mom: You can do it!
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

Ready for your shot?
I can do it!
Mom: Ready to be brave?
I can do it!
Toni: Now you’re all done!
Yay I did it!
Mom & Toni: I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!

I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!
I know you
Can do-a-do it too!



00:00 I Can Do It! (Doctor’s Appointment)
02:53 Wheels on the Bus – Playground
05:34 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
08:34 Field Day Song
11:32 The Soccer (Football) Song
14:24 Happy Birthday Song
16:34 Musical Instruments Song
19:52 Ms. Polly Had a Dolly
22:36 Sea Animal Song
25:00 Thank You Song
28:03 I Love the Mountains
31:03 The Teacher Song
34:05 The Lunch Song
37:11 Pretend Shop
40:12 Treehouse Picnic
43:08 Jobs and Career Song
46:45 The Bear Went Over the Mountain
51:02 Pet Care
54:02 Teddy Bear Teddy Bear
56:48 Skidamarink 2
59:31 Go Before You Go



Hello and Welcome to Moonbug Kids – Express Yourself! 😄

This is the place all about exploring ways children can express themselves, from dressing up to playing with others in various ways! We care about self-expression and want to feature all kinds of fun, creative, and important content for kids to enjoy! Watch fun-filled content such as Oddbods, having playtime within the wonderful world of Little Angel, singing along to classic rhymes with CoComelon, saving the day with Morphle, and watching the energetic Blippi! Come along!


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