What are you doing?+More Kids Songs | English songs for Kids | Collection of Animated Rhymes

What are you doing?+More Kids Songs | English songs for Kids | Collection of Animated Rhymes

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Click on the link below to see each video in this compilation video.
The each video, that has sound & mute version, is accompanied by English subtitles.

01_Good morning. – Good afternoon. : 00:04

02_Hi and Hello. – Good bye. : 00:42

03_Hello, I’m Heidi. – Hi, Heidi. :01:21

04_How are you? – I’m fine. : 02:03

05_What’s this? – What’s that? : 02:41

06_Who’s this? – Who’s that? : 03:20

07_Who is he? – Who is she? : 03:50

08_Happy birthday! – Thank you. : 04:26

09_How old are you? – I’m five years old. : 05:04

10_How old are you? – How old is he? : 05:43

11_I’m sorry. – Watch out! : 06:25

12_I like baseball. – I like tennis. : 07:11

13_Do you like pizza? – I like pizza. : 07:48

14_Do you have pets? – I have a dog. : 08:30

15_Do you like cheese? – I don’t like cheese. : 09:18

16_Do you have crayons? – Do you have paper? : 09:53

17_Do you want some more? – Help yourself. : 10:31

18_How many apples? – How many bananas? : 10:59

– How may lions? : 11:38

20_How much is this? – It’s four dollars. : 12:28

21_How’s the weather? – It’s sunny. : 13:01

22_How’s the weather? – It’s windy. : 13:41

23_Let’s play soccer. – Let’s play baseball. : 14:25

24_Let’s go swimming. – Can you go skiing? : 15:00

25_Open the door. – Close the door. : 15:36

26_Touch your eyes. – Sit down. : 16:22

27_Don’t sit down. – Wash your hands. : 17:06

28_Don’t swim. – Watch out! : 17:38

29_Can you swim? – Can you skate? : 18:16

30_Can you help me? – Sure, I can. : 19:05

31_Can I help you? – Yes, please. : 19:42

32_Can I read that book? – Sure, you can. : 20:42

33_Is this your bag? Yes, it’s mine. – Is this your cap? No, it isn’t. : 21:14

34_Where are you? – I’m in the kitchen. : 22:05

35_Where is my bird? – On the chair. : 22:36

36_Where is my coat? – Where are my gloves? : 23:32

37_What day is it today? – It’s Monday. : 24:10

38_What time is it now? – It’s ten o’clock. : 24:56

39_What are you doing? – What is he doing? : 25:37

40_What are you doing? – I’m cleaning my room. : 26:21

41_What did you do? – I went to the zoo. : 26:59

42_What did you do yesterday? – How was the party yesterday? : 27:55

Thanks for checking out the “English Singsing”.
© Amanta Inc.

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