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00:55:19 The frog was singing
00:56:37 The animals 2
00:59:15 Get down little goat
01:02:42 Thirty little sheep
01:11:07 Five Little Ducks
01:13:51 If you´re happy and you know it – Do the animals
01:16:22 Silly Sally Got It All Wrong
01:19:23 Baa Baa black sheep. have you any wool?
01:22:25 Itsy bitsy and colorful spider 2
01:24:25 I lost a tooth
01:26:21 Mother owl and her friends
01:28:44 Are they sleeping?
With a variety of appealing visual and musical elements to interest and engage our little ones, we creatively combine pedagogical and playful elements to provide a wealth of content that will resonate with parents and educators alike.
Have fun learning with the latest songs, episodes, toys, and surprises with Plim Plim and his friends Nesho, Bam, Acuarella, Mei-Li and Hoggie!