Police Officer Find My Lollipop Song + More | Kids Songs And Nursery Rhymes | Dominoki

Police Officer Find My Lollipop Song Subscribe to our channel. Lyrics Police Officer Find My Lollipop Song: Lollipop lolli lolli pop I’ll never drop my lollipop Police Policeman Policeman Always comes to rescue Policeman Policeman Is ready to help you Policeman Policeman Can solve many problems Thank You Policeman Policeman Yes, I’m the man About…

Strangers, Go Away! | Safety Rules for Kids | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Mimi and Daddy

When you’re outside, focus on your walking. Be careful of the sounds around you, and if you feel something strange, One, stay calm Two, go somewhere crowded immediately, like a store. Three, ask police officers or store clerks to call your parents. 💕 Lyrics 💕 : Verse1 Pitter-patter, swish swish Pitter-patter, swish swish Pitter-patter, swish…