Sleep and wake up at regular hours. You can have more time to do other things and people will trust you if you are on time!
No no, I want to keep on playing
Mommy, mommy, just a little longer
We need to go now, we don’t wanna be late
You said you would be on time
We made it, We arrived on time
Oh yeah oh yeah , I’m so happy
Please remember, always remember
Be on time. Be a good kid
No no, I want to keep on playing
Daddy, daddy, just a little longer
We need to go now, we don’t wanna be late
You said you would be on time
We didn’t make it, we’re too late
Oh no oh no , I’m so sorry
Please remember, from now on
Be on time. Be a good kid
Meow~ ^•ﻌ•^っ♡ Please leave a , if you like our video.
—————————Mimi and Daddy—————————
Meow~ Welcome to the Mimi and Daddy’s World!
Baby Kitten Mimi, along with her family and friends, is putting on a show that presents their interesting and story-filled daily life.
Play, learning, creativity, diversity, and inclusion are the key features of MeowMi Family Show. There is always something new to learn or explore. During playtime with family and friends, kids learn to embrace differences and share love. What’s more, it will be helpful for kids with their interaction with real world and prepare for experiences they face as part of growing up.