Please and Thank You Song
Peppa wants to do everything, but she must learn to say please and thank you to do so.
32:27 This is The Way We Learn To Play
34:30 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
36:32 Sports Day Song/ Old McDonald
38:32 Carve, Carve Your Pumpkin / Row, Row, Row Your Boat
40:33 The Beach Song / Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
42:35 Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Peppa’s favourite things include playing games and music, learning animal sounds, dressing up, days out, shopping, holidays and jumping in muddy puddles. Her adventures always end happily with loud snorts of laughter.
Most of all, Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles, laughing and making loud snorting noises.
George’s favourite thing is his toy dinosaur. He carries it everywhere with him. George can’t speak yet but can say one word very well: ‘Dine-saw!’
She works from home on her computer and sometimes lets Peppa and George help, as long as they don’t bash the keyboard.
Suzy Sheep, Rebecca Rabbit, Danny Dog, Candy Cat, Pedro Pony, Zoe Zebra, Emily Elephant, Freddy Fox, Kylie Kangaroo, Wendy Wolf, Gabriella Goat, Gerald Giraffe, Molly Mole, Belinda Bear, Delphine Donkey, Peggi and Pandora Panda, Mandy Mouse, Simon Squirrel!