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Let’s add some fangs
White and purple
Daddy is a walrus
Paint, paint, paint
We are on a spree
Turning daddy
Into animal
Let’s see
Hee hee hee hee hee
Hee hee ha ha hee
Daddy daddy
We will make you look pretty
Let’s draw a kitten’s face
Just like that
Mommy is a kitty
Paint, paint, paint
We are on a spree
Turning mommy
Into animal
Let’s see
Hee hee hee hee hee
Hee hee ha ha hee
Mommy mommy
We will make you look pretty
Let’s draw a wolf’s face
Black and white
Daddy is a wolf
Paint, paint, paint
We are on a spree
Turning daddy
Into animal
Let’s see
Hee hee hee hee hee
Hee hee ha ha hee
Daddy daddy
We will make you look pretty
Let’s add some colours
Here and there
We all look like dinosaurs
Paint, paint, paint
We are on a spree
Turning Into
different animals
Let’s see
Hee hee hee hee hee
Hee hee ha ha hee
Du du du du du
We all look so funny