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★ YouTube Channel:
Welcome to the Dino World!
Here we have all the fascinating dinosaurs.
Rawr! Rawr! there’s Tyrannosaurus-Rex, the best hunter.
Hmm.. Oh! there’s also Pachycephalosaurus, a head-butting master.
Let’s go and find some more!
★ Dinosaur Musical Compilation:
The Diary of T-Rex, the Hunter
Are You My Mom?
Feeding Baby Dinosaur
The Love oh Mama Maiasaura
The Great Dino Race
The Head-butting Master, Pachycephalosaurus
The Cool Horns of Triceratops
Pteranodon, the Chatterbox
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Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by the experts in children’s education.
Arranged by pinkfong & KizCastle