Baby Shopping Song | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


💖 💖 Let’s sing with us! Happy viewing! 💖 💖
When I see something nice
I really want to have it
Can we buy this for me?
Pretty pretty please?

But I want it! Opsy

Let’s put it back now
Is not a cake
It’s just a toy
Have a treat
Here you go
Yummy lollipop

This slime is just what i really want
Oh oh

When is see something nice
I really want to have it
Can we buy this for me?
Pretty pretty please?

You can have a little one
Yei yei yei i am so happy now

When is see something nice
I really want to have it
I can play in the store

Helicopter Helicopter is really fun
Helicopter helicopter please come back
I will bring it down for you
Don’t worry mom

Got it! You see?
Well done, Baby!

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