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00:00 The pool song
03:16 The Ice Cream Song
06:28 The Camping Song
08:52 Mr Sun
11:26 The Balloon Song
12:29 Down by the bay
14:49 Let´s Paint with Sunshine
16:16 The salad dance
18:46 Samba Laylay
20:23 The Frog Dance
22:34 Head, Shoulders, Kness and toes ( Dance)
24:04 Row row your boat
25:55 Catch me if you can
27:59 Water is magical
30:44 Little Bee
32:48 A-Ram_Sam-Sam With Fruits
35:39 Playground song
38:22 Mary had a little lamb
41:23 Baby shark – Animals
42:50 50 Little Ducklings
45:34 The Fruit Dance
48:05 Itsy bitsy and colorful spider 2
50:05 Baa Baa black sheep. have you any wool?
53:08 Moving
54:33 Smile
55:43 Mix Your Flavors
56:53 Yes Yes Let’s Do It
With a variety of appealing visual and musical elements to interest and engage our little ones, we creatively combine pedagogical and playful elements to provide a wealth of content that will resonate with parents and educators alike.
Have fun learning with the latest songs, episodes, toys, and surprises with Plim Plim and his friends Nesho, Bam, Acuarella, Mei-Li and Hoggie!